External debt of Ukraine is (together) – 128,9 billion dollars, including:
General government sector - 23.9 billion dollars
Monetary authorities regulation - 6.2 billion dollars
Banks - 24.0 billion dollars
Other sectors - 66.4 billion dollars
Intercompany debt - 8.2 billion dollars According to expert assessments (O.Suhonyako, chairman of AUB) ) at the hands of Ukrainians earlier this year was more than 50 billion dollars and cash hryvnia outside banks, according to the NBU, (although as of 01.02.2012) were 185 billion hryvnias (or 23 billion dollars) and this amount increase because people does not trust the banks and there is a low level of economic freedom in Ukraine. (Index of Economic Freedom) among the 179 countries of the world and the last place in Europe according to a study conducted by the U.S. research organization Herіtage Foundatіon and the newspaper Wall Street Journal). Therefore. The potential of self-investment in Ukraine is great and by reasonable tax policy and public confidence in the government could greatly facilitate the task of modernizing the economy and improving business competitiveness. And while statesmen (Chairman of the National Bank S.Arbuzov) complain people, Lviv Regional State Administration, Lviv Oblast Council, Lviv City Council, despite all their political differences - are working together on the task of investment in the economy. On October 12, 2012 the XII International Economic Forum "Strategy. Investments. Cooperation " will take place in Lviv. Partner companies of the event are SAP Ukraine and Soft-Rating Consult.
For strategic (and / or portfolio) investors, the return of investment is key for the decision, and therefore project that will provide an appropriate level of transparency has a huge chance of success. Undoubtedly, it is important WHAT is served by information technology, because if a business idea is barren, the chances of success are not available, with whatever information system, but also it is important HOW business processes are served. There can help the usage of solutions for business management from a provider recognized in the world market of information technology.
According to EAS market study Enterprise Application Software), conducted by IDC, the top three technologies are those of SAP (Germany), 1C (Russian Federation), Information Technology (Ukraine).
The median investor is familiar with SAP solutions (as evidenced by the massive use of SAP by subsidiaries of foreign investors and corporations, e.g. Nestle, Philips Ukraine, Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine, Sony Corp, Metro Cash & Carry, etc.), so reasonable and practical for business that requires investment in Ukraine is an appeal to SAP technology and its representative in Ukraine - SAP Ukraine company.
Soft-Rating Consult, in its turn, has proven its skills (it's immodest, but is a real truth) in the practical implementation of SAP in dozens of projects, including undertaken to ensure the transparency of investment.
So we will meet those who need our help at the right place and at the right time.
Olga Petrusenko, who is a business development manager in CIS, will speak from our partner SAP Ukraine in section 1 "Investments and innovations in energy efficiency and energy saving" on "Improving manageability and cost optimization at enterprises."
Section hours: 14-30 - 16-00.
Meetings with representatives of companies interested in cooperation with Ukraine SAP and its partner Soft-Rating Consult will be held in a separate hall for 12 people, provided by the organizers during the whole time of the Forum.
At the end of the day, from 16-30 till 17-30, there will take place a Roundtable "Effective tools to enhance company competitiveness" at the Presidential lodge in Lviv Arena Stadium, all Forum participants will be invited.
See you in Lviv at the XII International Economic Forum!