Tuesday, 15 October 2013 15:08

ПрАТ "Фуршет"

Рекомендаційний лист від 20 квітня 2012 року.  Файл в форматі *.jpg (російською)

Переклад українською.

20 квітня 2012 р. м.Київ

Рекомендаційний лист.

Під час періоду з 15.04.11 - 28.11.11 на підставі Договору з надання консалтингових послуг, Компанія "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт" надавала
консультаційну підтримку з реалізації Проекту Upgrade систем SAP в Компанії "Фуршет".

Результатом Проекту є перехід на нові версії систем SAP.
1.MySAP ERP2004 (SAP ERP 5.0) -> MySAP ERP2005 (SAP ERP 6.0 SAP enchancement package 5).
2.SAP NW 6.4 BI CONT ADDON 3.53 - > SAP NW 7.3 BI CONT ADDON 7.35
3.Oracle -> Oracle
4.OS AIX 5.3 -> AIX 6.1
Компанія "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт" брала участь в Проекті в наступних етапах:
1. Підготовка Проекту
2. Концептуальне проектування
3. Реалізація
4. Підготовка до запуску
5. Перехід продуктивної системи на нову версію системи SAP та супровід.
Роботи було виконано якісно, з дотриманням термінів і бюджету, та у відповідності до Проекту.

Директор департаменту інформаційних технологій - І.С.Твердохліб
Керівник департаменту SAP - І.М.Афендуліді

Довідка про виконання робіт з підтримки реалізації проекту впровадження системи керування складами (2013 рік). Файл в форматі  *.jpg (російською)

Переклад українською

2013 року на підставі Договору про надання консалтингових послуг, компанія "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт" надала консультаційну підтримку при реалізації проекту впровадження системи керування складами (СКС) на базі рішення SAP Warehouse Management System.
В рамках проекту автоматизована робота сучасного розподільчого центру компанії "Фуршет", орієнтованого на надання високотехнологічних послуг зі зберігання та обробки великої кількості товару. Проектні роботи виконувались спільно проектною групою ПрАТ "Фуршет" та консультантами "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт".
Впроваджувана СКС дозволяє оптимізувати ведення складського господарства, зокрема:
  • прийом товару;
  • переміщення товару;
  • обробку замовлень клієнту;
  • комплектацію та відпущення товару;
  • повернення товару постачальнику.

Також в СКС були реалізовані спеціальні функції для транспортних замовлень, зокрема, дані про продуктивність праці (дата/час початку та завершення/виконавець), розподіл транспортних замовлень.

Робота консультантів "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт" була виконана якісно, з дотриманням термінів і бюджету, у повній відповідності до проекту.

Директор департаменту інформаційних технологій - Зірка І.А.
Керівник департаменту SAP - Афендуліді І.М.

Довідка про підтримку реалізації проекту з архівації даних (2013). Файл в форматі *.jpg (російською)

Переклад українською

2013 року на підставі Договору про надання консалтингових послуг компанія "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт" надала консультаційну підтримку реалізації проекту з архівації даних в системі SAP ERP.
Проектні роботи виконувались спільно проектною групою ЗАТ "Фуршет" та консультантами "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт".
Реалізація проекту дозволила компанії "Фуршет" применшити зростання бази даних SAP, оптимізувати використання наявних апаратних потужностей, покращити продуктивність праці як SAP-системи, так і працівників компанії.

Робота консультантів компанії "Софт-Рейтинг Консалт" була виконана якісно, з дотриманням термінів і бюджету, у повній відповідності до проекту.

Директор департаменту інформаційних технологій - Зірка І.А.
Керівник департаменту SAP - Афендуліді І.М.

Published in Clients' responses
Friday, 12 April 2013 09:11

Georgian-Ukrainian Business Forum

Innovative information technology of the world’s leading companies will become the basis of the fundamental quality changes in relationships between the State, business and citizens of Georgia, will improve its quality of life and will change the idea of what is a good governance in the State, business and society – this is the basic idea of the Forum.

To fulfill
the potential of innovative disruptive technology for State management and business, providing leadership in the 21st century, and to open new horizons of growth for Georgia – this is the objective of the Forum.

The Prime Minister of Georgia Mr. Bidzina Ivanishvili will make a speech during the plenary session.

The representatives of the world’s leading companies will tell about the use of information technology in order to provide a breakthrough in the management of the State and business, and the representatives of the organizing company Soft-Rating Consult will speak about the experience of implementation of IT in Georgia and Ukraine. Partners of the Forum and representatives of Ukrainian and Georgian companies will speak at the parallel sessions.

ORGANIZATIONAL TEAM: Georgian-Ukrainian Trade&Economic Council (Georgia-Ukraine), Soft-Rating Consult (Ukraine).

WITH THE SUPPORT THE ORGANIZATIONS: JSC Partnership Fund (Georgia), Georgian National Investment Agency (Georgia), Ministry of Finance of Georgia, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia.

WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PARTNERS: NABU (Independent Association of the Banks of Ukraine), Caucasus Online LLC (Georgia), HP CIS, HTS (High Tech Solutions)(Georgia), Constructive Lawyers (Ukraine).

INFORMATION SPONSOR: Magazine "ITM. Information technologies for management" (Ukraine).

 April 26, 2013
Tbilisi Marriott Hotel
Rustaveli Avenue, 13, Tbilisi

Registration - 9.00 a.m.
The event starts at 10.00 a.m.



Participation is
FREE subject to prior online registration on our website and confirmation by email.
April 24, 2013 is the last date for registration

 + 38 044 501 0614
 Contact person -
 Inna Zabrodskaya
 Mass Media Accreditation
 after registration
 on our website


Published in Uncategorized
Thursday, 17 March 2011 15:09

Soft Rating – SAP: history of partnership

Soft Rating is historically Ukraine's first SAP partner


  • Soft-Rating Consult participated in the traditional annual SAP Forum 2013 as a sponsor and organizer of microforum with presentations on procurement management, warehouse management, supplier and employee relationship management, and on use of business intelligence based on SAP HANA
  • Business forum "Leadership through Innovation" was held in Tbilisi with the support of SAP and the Association "Georgian-Ukrainian Council for Trade and Economic Cooperation" with the participation of the Prime Minister of Georgia, Ministries of Economy and Sustainable Development, Finance, Regional Development and Infrastructure, and Energy of Georgia
  • Project team of PrJSC Furshet and consultants of Soft-Rating Consult successfully completed the project of SAP ERP data archiving in the family purchase supermarket chain PrJSC Furshet
  • Project team of PrJSC Furshet and consultants of Soft-Rating Consult successfully completed the project of implementation of warehouse management system based on SAP WMS
  • The implementation of SAP ERP in Georgian company Caucasus online LLC was completed
  • Soft-Rating Consult participated in the XII International Economic Forum "Strategies. Investments. Cooperation" in Lviv and organized the roundtable "Effective tools for company's competitiveness enhancement"
  • The event in the form of Round Table on competitiveness with the help of software solutions and technology was held together with SAP in Kharkiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine
  • Soft-Rating Consult participated in the traditional annual SAP Forum 2012 as a sponsor and organizer of microforum, during which there were the presentations by representatives of our customers (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, UniCredit Group, CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE) and own specialists
  • The family purchase supermarket chain PrJSC Furshet, which is the largest retail company in Ukraine, used the experience of Soft-Rating Consult for the simultaneous successful upgrade of their core information systems: enterprise information ERP-system based on SAP ERP (1), enterprise data warehouse (2), systems of project management and project documentation (3)
  • Holding CENTRAVIS with the participation of Soft-Rating Consult realized the project and began the operation of dashboard «Working capital in sales» based on SAP BusinessObjects
  • The event in the form of Round Table "Modern integrated systems of airport management and issues of their implementation in conditions of reforming" was organized by SAP Ukraine and Soft-Rating Consult with the support of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Tourism of Ukraine
  • Banknote paper factory of National bank of Ukraine with the assistance of Soft-Rating Consult created the complex information system (CIS) based on SAP ERP
  • Setting into productive operation (go in-live) SAP ERP at UniCredit Bank (PJSC "Ukrsotsbank")
  • Participation in the development of "Project Creating a corporate management system based on SAP ERP in the State Air Traffic Service Enterprise of Ukraine (UkSATSE)»
  • The beginning of SAP ERP implementing at Georgian company Caucasus Online
  • Participation together with corporate team of SONY Ukraine in setting up SAP corporate information system in accordance with national legislation of Ukraine in terms of financial management, fixed assets and sales.
  • Productive system support of SAP payroll at ERSTE bank (Ukraine)
  • Implementation of the project to upgrade the productive system in Closed Joint-Stock Company Furshet with SAP ERP 5.0 to ERP 6.0 and business data store SAP BW 3.5 to BI 7.3. 
  • Participation as a partner in business event called "HR, which changes business", organized by SAP Ukraine.
  • Participation as coorganiser in the International Scientific Presentation Conference "Modern systems based on SAP solutions for business management of enterprises of transport and communication industry under reform" in the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
  • Participation as speakers at the first SAP forum for CFO
  • Participation as speakers at the conference "Management of banks and companies - new opportunities of IT" at the International Forum of Information and communication technologies
  • The beginning of SAP ERP implementing at Banknote paper factory of the National Bank of Ukraine
  • The beginning of SAP ERP implementing at PJSC "Ukrsotsbank" (further UniCredit Bank) with which will be integrated into a single information space such systems as  FlexCube, NewProfix and Hyperion
  • Implemented the first in Ukraine setting of SAP E-Recruiting (e-recruitment), component of SAP HCM at Prominvestbank integrated with SAP Enterprise Portal corporate system
  • Information day SAP for Media Companies
  • Information system of investment management based on SAP solutions is completed at the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). The project was executed by Soft-Rating Consult together with EPAM Systems
  • Setting into operation first in Georgia localized information system SAP ERP at Georgian Holding Company Tegeta Motors
  • The beginning of implementing phase in the project of implementation of industry solution IS-Media at the Russian media company "Bauer Media"
  • Russian publishing house Independent Media Sanoma Magazines with the help of SAP CIS and Soft-Rating Consult successfully implemented the industry solution SAP for Media during the implementation of SAP ERP and began the productive operation (go in-live)
  • Soft-Rating Consult and Academic SAP competence center in St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University have supported a new participant of the project  "University Alliance" - Donetsk University of Public Administration
  • Setting into productive operation (go in-live) SAP HCM payroll at the Blitz-Inform Holding
  • Setting into productive operation (go in-live) of the first stage of Integrated Information System (IIS) based on SAP system at Banknote Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine
  • Setting into productive operation (go in-live) SAP ERP at Soft-Rating Consult
  • Soft-Rating Consult together with SAP Ukraine held an information seminar "Modern IT solutions for the government of Ukraine" on December 11. Representatives of 20 ministries and agencies took part in the event
  • The beginning of SAP IS-Media implementing at "Independent Media" (Russia) and "Bauer Media" (Russia) 
  • The beginning of the project HCM payroll at Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
  • The beginning of roll-out project of SAP (FI, CO, MM, SD and Basis) implementation for Saint Gobain Zorya (Rivne) (group Saint Gobain France), Philips Ukraine (FI), Sony Corp (FI).
  • Setting into productive operation the SAP FI of Ukrainian add-on at ERSTE bank
  • Participation of Soft-Rating Consult as a partner of the parallel session of V-th Conference of SAP "Effective management" on June 11-13 in Alushta (Crimea)
  • The beginning of SAP ERP implementing at Tegeta Motors (Georgia)
  • Migration is completed and upgrade of SAP software from the version of SAP R/3 4.6c to the version of SAP ERP 6.0, which is used by the control of the National bank of Ukraine financially economic activity system
  • Setting into productive operation the SAP CRM at the Blitz-Inform Holding in the Direction on periodical subscription
  • The roll-out project of SAP HCM (payroll) implementation is completed at the ABO Mix Company
  • Setting into productive operation the SAP HCM with payroll accounting at the OTP bank Ukraine
  • Participation Soft-Rating Consult as partner of plenary session of IV-th conference SAP "Effective enterprise management" on June, 13-15th in Odessa.
  • Technological upgrade of SAP ERP system from version 4.6 to version ЕСС 6.0 in National bank of Ukraine.
  • Roll-out Project in Vetropack Ukraine.
  • Signing of the license agreement on use of SAP ERP software for management system by Soft-Rating Consult.
  • Implementation SAP CRM in the Blitz-Inform Holding (subscription agency).
  • Signing of the new partner agreement (SAP services partner) between Soft-Rating Consult and SAP AG.
  • Modernization of SAP-landscape in Soft-Rating Consult (SAP Adaptive Computing).
  • Setting into productive operation mySAP PLM QM (Quality Management) at the Blitz-Inform Holding (factories Blitz-Pack, Blitz-Print, Blitz-Flex and Publishing House Blitz-Inform).
  • Setting into productive operation a system of fiscal and tax accounting of Ukraine (mySAP Financials) at the Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine.
  • Implementation of mySAP HCM payroll at the Blitz-Inform Holding
  • Implementation of functionality “Strategy Enterprise Management” SEM/BW at the Blitz-Inform Holding (budgeting).
  • Implementation of mySAP CRM at the Blitz-Inform Holding (publishing house).
  • Implementation of mySAP PLM QM (Quality Management) at the metallurgical plant “Dunaferr” (Hungary).
  • Productive system support at National Bank of Ukraine.  
  • Setting into productive operation mySAP ERP Human Capital Management at Metro Cash&Carry Company.
  • Implementation of VAT consolidated accounting at National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Implementation of mySAP PLM QM (Quality Management) at the Blitz-Inform Holding.
  • The beginning of mySAP CRM and SEM/BW implementing at the Blitz-Inform Holding.
  • The beginning of FI module implementing at Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine.
  • Participation in the program SAP “PartnerAcademy”.
  • Winning the tender of Metro Cash&Carry Ukraine on implementation of HR-solution in mySAP ERP system.
  • Winning the tender of National Bank of Ukraine on consulting services to maintenance SAP systems (functionality expansion, version update, technical support of system’s working ability, etc.).  
  • The beginning of participation in the Partner Program mySAP All-in-One.
  • Setting into productive operation HR-module at the Blitz-Inform Holding
  • Setting into productive operation of functionality “Services Distribution” of SD-module at National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Setting into productive operation IS-Media at the Blitz-Inform Holding.
  • Re-execute of the Agreement about partnership with SAP AG on specialized company Soft-Rating Consult.
  • Setting into productive operation HR-module at Reemstma Ukraine.
  • The beginning of implementation of Industry Solution IS-Media at the Blitz-Inform Holding.
  • The first in Ukraine Soft-Rating has installed SAP/R3 version
  • 4.6C and the following components: Business-to-Business Procurement, Customer Relationship Management, Workplace.
  • The beginning of implementation of AM and CO modules at Zhydachiv Paper Plant.
  • R/3 system implementing at Metallurgical Plant SYLUR (Khartsyzk).
  • The beginning of R/3 implementation project at Publishing House BLITZ-INFORM (installation of SAP R/3, training of the specialists).
  • R/3 System consulting of Procter&Gamble specialists for Tambrands management
  • Participation in the R/3 implementation project at Reemtsma Ukraine.
  • The first in Ukraine Version 4.0B of R/3 System was implemented at Soft-Rating (OS Windows NT, DBMS Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Siemens Primergy 870 platform)
  • Setting into productive operation R/3 system at UMC.
  • The beginning of the R/3 implementation project at Danfoss T.o.v..
  • Installation of the R/3 System at Power Generating Company DNIPROENERGO.
  • The beginning of R/3 implementation project at joint venture company Ukrainian Mobil Communications (UMC).
  • The beginning of the R/3 technical documentation translation project into Russian.
  • Certification of Soft-Rating specialists as consultants for R/3 implementation.
  • Signing of contract on SAP R/3 implementation at AZOVSTAL (Mariupol).
  • The beginning of the R/3 implementation project at National Bank of Ukraine.
  • The beginning of project for system R/3 training materials translation into Russian.
  • The beginning of productive operation of the R/3 project’s first stage at Zhydachiv Paper Plant including modules FI, MM, SD.
  • Providing “Grivna conversion” for R/3 system at Zhydachiv Paper Plant, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Donetsk Metallurgical Plant.
  • Conversion of R/3 financial modules to commercial operation at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
  • Creation of BranchCompetenceCenter for R/3 implementation at the Ministry for Electrification of Ukraine.
  • The second installation of SAP R/3 (version 3.0) at Soft-Rating (DBMS Informix, Hewlett-Packard platform).
  • Implementation of R/3 project’s first stage to operation testing at Zhydachiv Paper Plant
  • The signing of contract between SAP AG and the Ministry for Electrification of Ukraine on applying of R/3 system for the whole branch computerization.
  • The official beginning of independent work of Soft-Rating specialists as consultants on R/3 projects implementation and maintenance.
  • The first in Ukraine installing of SAP/R3 (version 2.2) at Soft-Rating (DBMS Oracle - Digital platform).
  •  The signing of contract on R/3 implementation at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
  • The signing of logo-partner agreement between Soft-Rating and SAP AG.
  • The signing of the first in Ukraine contract on system R/3 implementation at Zhydachiv Paper Plant.
  • Establishing the subdivision at Soft-Rating for implementation of SAP projects in
  • Ukraine, staff recruitment, the beginning of training in SAPEducationalCenter (Moscow) and probation period on the enterprises with R/2 and R/3 implemented.  
Spring, 1994- Autumn, 1993
  • Acquaintance with SAP R/2 and R/3 systems in Walldorf, Heidelberg, Berlin, Moscow
  • Seminars and other actions were carried out with a number of interested ministries, enterprises and organizations. 
15-16th of June, 1993
  • The congress “Integrated System for Enterprise's Economy and Production Management” (The organizers: SAP AG, Soft-Rating, Ministry of Statistics of Ukraine). The participants: managers and specialists from about 40 big enterprises of Ukraine.
April, 1993
  • The first official meeting of SAP's representatives with administration of Soft-Rating took place at Department for Informatization and Scientific-Technical Information of State Committee of Ukraine on Science and Technology.
Published in Uncategorized