Thursday, 17 March 2011 14:50


The «Enterprise Resource Planning» solution unites the best in the world complex software for business management and flexible platform based on the opened technologies. This platform allows to integrate SAP solution with the systems of other manufacturers and to get maximal return from the possibilities of similar integration.

The top management is provided with reliable information about financial situation of the company for strategic planning and financial and economic forecasting. The huge informative potential of the SAP ERP solution allows for the top management to realize the complex analysis of company’s activity in different planes and not only to trace results, but also to control factors, which influence on the characteristics of business efficiency.

Currently, the «Enterprise Resource Planning» solution is the most complete and integrated ERP-solution that allows for the companies to reach new control quality of all administrative, financial and operative activities, to raise efficiency, forecasting and profitability of business.

The «Enterprise Resource Planning» solution is now extended due to special functions and models of the best business practices for concrete industries. This solution allows for enterprises to achieve greater profitability of investments into information technologies and to cheapen a total cost of their possession, to take maximally advantage of flexible IT-infrastructure and accelerate application of innovations.

The «Enterprise Resource Planning» solution includes four applied areas, which functionality possibilities form the responsible basis for realization of efficient business-processes:

SAP ERP Financials
Functions of automation of the accounting and administrative account processes and optimization of management by financial streams provide the image of financial situation at the enterprise. Widespread support of observance of all normative requirements and internal instructions in sphere of corporate management provides the convenient control of conformity to normative requirements of all corporative processes.

SAP ERP Human Capital Management, SAP ERP HCM
Functions that support the complex processes for all stages of employee’s "life cycle": from attraction to personal growth and his retention in the company. The functions of planning and analytics, operative human management, forming and developing of personnel potential, cooperation and communications management are realized with this solution, providing the most effective manpower deployment.

The abstract of the SAP HCM (Payroll) implementation in «ОТP Bank Ukraine»

SAP ERP Operations
The full-featured complex covering all dominant logistical processes of the enterprise, and it also helps to organize efficient management of the company’s executive activity.

SAP ERP Corporate Services
The solution helps the organizations to cut down expenses and to improve administrative processes in such important spheres as management of real estate, processes of business trips, public health services and environment protection, marketing stimulation and flexible payoffs regulation. These functionalities allow to optimize the centralized and decentralized services rendering, realized in SAP ERP Corporate Services solution
Published in Uncategorized

Soft-Rating Consult and PJSC Ukrsotsbank announced that they move to the Realization Phase of the project of automation of business transactions in PJSC Ukrsotsbank with the help of SAP solutions.

Soft-Rating Consult completed the Business Blueprint phase and began the Realization Phase of SAP ERP implementation for automation of business transactions in Ukrsotsbank. The necessity of implementation of SAP ERP solutions in Ukrsotsbank was conditioned by need of management tool for business transactions of the bank, which has geographically distributed structure, where few different business-systems work separately.

During the Business Blueprint phase such works were conducted: the inventory of all business processes of business transactions, the re-engineering of certain processes and their harmonization with SAP ERP standards; principles of accounting were developed and specified; a decision on the rules of reference data was worked out; specifications of interfaces with different systems used in the bank were developed. As a result of the Business Blueprint, in PJSC Ukrsotsbank for automation of business transactions data prosessing design and requirements definition were developed. Since SAP ERP is the integration platform, it will allow through interfaces to create a common landscape of business systems of the bank. According to the project, SAP ERP is integrated into a single information space with such systems as ODB (FlexCube), General Ledger (NewProfix), budgeting (Hyperion), etc.

Under this project, the functional is an important component of SAP ERP, it provides Asset Management. And this is rather difficult task in a large geographically distributed bank. This component will transparently monitor the status of property - buildings, facilities, fixed assets, and manage their investment functionality.

"Implementation of SAP ERP will provide for Ukrsotsbank a number of advantages in managing their business transactions. The system aims to automate existing business processes that will create a common information space, the base for realization of management centralization within the bank's network across the country, - said Yuri Tishchenko, project manager of PJSC Ukrsotsbank. - Good experience of Soft-Rating Consult in successful implementation of the project (which was in many aspects similar to the project in Ukrsotsbank) in the National Bank of Ukraine contributed to high-quality implementation of the Business Blueprint, as well as reducing of its risks”
“Almost all the top management of Ukrsotsbank took part in the Business Blueprint. The owners (UniCredit Group) are interested in the project's success - in many parts of the Group all over the world SAP solutions are used. While working on Business Blueprint, we also interacted with Munich branch of UniCredit Group, they provided corporate standards for the company. All this, as well as numerous meetings and conferences, video conferences, gave us considerable assistance in carrying out the work" - said commercial director of Soft-Rating Consult Olga Belyachenko, Project Manager of SAP ERP implementation in Ukrsotsbank.

Nowadays the project moved to the Technical Phase of its implementation, and productive operation of it is planned in early 2011.

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