Review of the complex project of SAP in the bank (russian version)

The first transaction completed in Ukrsotsbank!

Review the bank:

16.09.2011 № 13-09/817



PJSC “Ukrsotsbank” (member of UnicreditGroup) confirms that the company Soft-Rating Consult (Kiev, Ukraine) during the period 01.04.2010 - 01.09.2011 completed a comprehensive project of SAP implementation in the bank.


Ukrsotsbank was founded in October 1990 as a public company on the basis of the Ukrainian Republican Office "Zhilsotsbank" and registered in the State Bank of the former Soviet Union.

Public Joint Stock Company "Ukrsotsbank" today - one of the largest system of universal banks in Ukraine. Number of employees - over 10 thousand people. Today, the bank allocated seven macro-regions, each of which combines from 3 to 5 regions of Ukraine. Overall, in 26 regions of Ukraine bank has over 400 offices. In Ukrsotsbank’ SAP systems work more than 500 users.

Implemented a functional SAP-systems.

During the project implementation with using SAP- systems have been automated such functions of the bank:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Accounting for non-current Assets:
  • Material Management
  • Planning and Budget Control
  • Controlling of costs and revenues for business transactions
  • Personnel Management - basic functions (time management, personnel administration)
  • Components of software for the banking sector of Ukraine - the application needed to meet the requirements of Ukrainian legislation, including specific requirements for banking sphere.

During the project the architecture of interfaces between systems was developed with SAP PI as a tool for integrating. This provided the seamless integration between the complex systems of the bank.

PJS Ukrsotsbank confirms that the project was completed on time, within the budget of the project. The bank is grateful to the company Soft-Rating Consult for the high quality of performed work.


Head of the Department of Banking

organization and methodology                                                 Pier Luigi Rangino

Published in Clients' responses
June 21-23, in Rostov-on-Don, the IV International Conference Watermark Sonference - 2011, which will Deputy Director of the Mint of National Bank of Ukraine Putyatin Yuri report on experience of SAP in the enterprise.
The report titled "Experience of the use of SAP in Banknote Mint National Bank of Ukraine: quality control, Budgeting and estimated process is scheduled on June 23, from 9-00 to 10-40.
Published in 2011 рік
Tuesday, 12 April 2011 16:18

Tegeta Motors (Georgia) (russian version)

Company Tegeta Motors was founded in 1995.
Today the holding company are 14 commercial and multiple service centers and companies:
  • Tegeta Truck&Bus (partner German group MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG)
  • Tegeta Constructions Equipment (partner group JСB (Germany)
  • Tegeta Logistic
From 1 July 2009 SAP ERP system was put into operation and this was the beginning of the use of SAP systems by private companies in Georgia. During the project have been resolved fundamentally important to the success of the task design, optimization, formalization of business processes of economic, financial and production managers, providing information processing in a single information space, to provide leadership based information, as well as conformity of national law. Given the need to not only implement the system, but also its simultaneous localization term implementation of the system was extremely brief (year) and is the undisputed success of the project team Tegeta Motors and Soft-Rating Consult.
This success has been documented as the management of Tegeta Motors and supplier of software - the company SAP AG, a booklet which offer see below.

Published in Success stories
On March 30, 2011 Soft-Rating Consult Ltd has launched a project to upgrade the productive system in Closed Joint-Stock Company Furshet.

Within the project following works will be performed: • Upgrade of systems SAP ERP 5.0 to ERP 6.0 • Upgrade of systems SAP BW 3.5 to BI 7.3

Published in 2011 рік
The company was created in December 1992. It consists of four divisions:
  • Publisher "Blitz-Inform" - produces several popular and influential publications that are distributed in all regions of Ukraine;
  • Exemplary printing "Blitz-Print";
  • Factory cartons "Blitz-Pack";
  • Plant soft package "Blitz-Flex".
In JSC "Holding Company" Blitz-Inform "are more than four thousand employees. Company "Blitz-Inform" is by far the leader of the Ukrainian printing market and the media. Annual turnover exceeding 100 million EURO.

Published in Success stories
Monday, 21 March 2011 16:57

Tegeta Motors

"The intensive development of the company restructuring and increase information flows required to effectively manage the company under new conditions. To implement our plans we chose to automate business processes, - said George Mshvildadze, CEO Tegeta Motors. - It's a challenge we helped solve the Ukrainian company "Soft-Rating Consult." During the project we had a chance to correct his choice: its specialists - are highly qualified, reliable and responsible partner. "

Chief Financial Officer Tegeta Motors, Project Manager SAP ERP, Valery Mezvrishvili, saying in his speech about the benefits of SAP ERP, said: "a unified information space provides quick access to information of all participants of business processes, allowing to carry out deep analysis and operational activities of enterprises and as a result significantly reduce the decision-making and improve their quality. All this provides the objectives set out in the strategy of holding. "Valery Mezvrishvili pointed also to the complexity of the project one in two SAP ERP: the need for rapid development of national legislation adapted to specific components and their implementation with standard business solutions SAP.

Customer feedback on the work done 5 years after the start of operation of the system.

to document language:
"Отзыв о выполненных работах
01 декабря 2014 года № 1518/а
Внедрение первого в Грузии проекта SAP ERP в коммерческом секторе Холдинге Tegeta Motors

Компания «Софт-Рейтинг Консалт» выступила как консультант грузинского холдинга Tegeta Motors в первом проекте по внедрению системы SAP ERP в коммерческой компании в Грузии.
Проект был выполнен в срок и был запущен в продуктивную эксплуатацию с 1 июля 2009 года. В ходе проекта было создано единое информационное пространство, которое обеспечило оперативный доступ к информации всех участников деловых процессов, и позволило вести глубокий и оперативный анализ деятельности предприятий, что существенно сократило время принятия решений и улучшило качество этих решений.
В задачи проекта SAP ERP входила адаптация системы к национальному финансовому законодательству Грузии, а также обеспечение возможности работы с контентом (содержанием) - данные, тексты, управляющие элементы - на грузинском языке.
Несмотря на большой объем внедряемой функциональности во всех филиалах холдинга в Тбилиси и необходимости локализации, проект был реализован в стандартные сроки.
Внедренная функциональность SAP-систем
В ходе проекта с применением SAP-систем были автоматизированы такие функции:
  • Финансовый учет
  • Учет необоротных активов
  • Учет материальных потоков
  • Контроль затрат и доходов по хозяйственным операциям
  • Сбыт товаров
  • Компоненты, необходимые для обеспечения требований грузинского законодательства

Tegeta Motors подтверждает, что проект выполнен в срок и с соблюдением бюджета проекта и благодарен компании Софт-Рейтинг Консалт за высокое качество выполненных работ.

Коммерческий директор OOO Tegeta Motors Гиоргий Мшвилдадзе - подпись."
Published in Clients' responses
Monday, 21 March 2011 16:19


  • JSV “Blitz-Inform” (Printing-House “Blitz-Print”, Carton Package Factory “Blitz-Pack”, Soft Package Factory “Blitz-Flex”) (the SAP R/3, SAP SEM/BPS implementing).
  • Saint Gobain (FI, SD, MM, FI-AA implementing)
Published in Client's industries
Monday, 21 March 2011 16:16


  • Kherson State Univesity (consulting services, training for personnel of Information Technologies Center)
  • Donetsk State University for Management (technological support under programm "SAP University Alliance")
  • University of banking of the National Bank of Ukraine

Published in Client's industries
Thursday, 17 March 2011 14:56

Soft-Rating Consult Company

Єдина Країна! Единая Страна! United Country

«Soft-Rating Consult» LLC is a Ukrainian consulting company with many years experience of implementing the management information systems based on SAP solutions for companies, businesses and corporations

Mission: To facilitate increase of management efficiency of the clients by advanced information technologies and management models

Profile: creating management systems of organizations, enterprises and corporations on the basis of SAP

Methodology: Customers’ strategic targets - Business process reengineering - Management Information System

Status: SAP Service Partner, SAP Partner Edge, SAP Productive Client

  • project preparation of the enterprises;
  • business-processes reengineering by sample models; 
  • sale of licenses to use SAP software;
  • landscape installations for SAP systems;
  • SAP standard software implementation:
             - SAP software installation;
             - Consulting on implementation of solutions:
- SAP Business Intelligence;
- SAP BusinessObjects;
- SAP Industry Solutions
- Training of Customer’s end users; 
  • maintenance and support of SAP productive systems
  • roll-out projects
  • independent technical expert examination of project solutions and live SAP systems.
  • standard business-processes models of the enterprises of different economics’ branches;
  • conceptual implementation projects of the SAP Business Suite for the enterprises of different industries;
  • tested typical solutions for the integrated systems’ construction with the SAP solutions;
  • interfaces between the SAP solutions and external systems;
  • optimal plans-schedules of operations on implementation of the SAP;
  • original educational programs for project teams;
  • experience of platforms’ installations for SAP-systems in Digital, Compaq, Intel, IBM, Siemens, Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu-Siemens, Dell technologies etc.
  • certified consultants, among them - with 15 years of experience implementing SAP software;
  • certified project managers;
  • business consultants on finance, logistics, production, personnel management; 
  • quality auditor.  

The main activity is to provide consultancy and scientific and technical services for implementation of standard SAP software for enterprises and corporations in Ukraine and abroad.

The team of consultants has more than 60 people, among them 25 are certified and 18 has experience of implementations of SAP-systems of 8 years and above.

Soft-Rating Consult provides comprehensive services to optimize enterprises' business processes, on implementation, maintenance and development of a wide range of SAP solutions, as well as the creation of computer landscapes for SAP-systems. Today the company has more than 45 Customers and has fulfilled more than 65 projects for implementation of SAP-systems and its components.

High quality of services and brand Soft-Rating ® are known not only in Ukraine but also abroad, as evidenced by projects in Hungary, Russia, Georgia, Great Britain, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria etc.

For 10 years "Soft-Rating Consult" is a major service provider to configure SAP-Systems at the National Bank of Ukraine. Among domestic and overseas clients Soft-Rating Consult - National Bank of Ukraine, HC "Blitz-Inform" (Ukraine) Mint of National Bank of Ukraine, "Furschet" (Ukraine), UniCredit Bank (Ukraine), ISD (Dunaferr, Hungary) Tegeta Motors (Georgia), Caucasus Online (Georgia), Independent Media (RF), Bauer Media (RF) and other companies.

Consequently, implementation of SAP software can be a decisive factor in achieving competitive advantage by Ukrainian companies in the domestic and international markets. The accumulated unique experience Soft-Rating Consult implementation roll-out projects for Danfoss, Reemtsma, Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine, "Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine", OTP Bank (Ukraine), ERSTE Bank (Ukraine), Sony Corp., "Phillips Ukraine "can be used by other foreign companies operating in Ukraine.

As a result, "Soft-Rating Consult" has performed the following projects:
- 18 projects of integrated SAP ERP implementation;
- 15 projects of implementation SAP Human Capital Management (including 4 productive SAP HCM payroll);
- 11 International Roll-out projects;
- 8 projects of industry solutions SAP (Mill, Retail, Defense, Media, Banking);
- 9 projects SAP BI, BI-BPS (Planning and Budgeting);
- 4 projects SAP Business Object Portfolio;
- 3 projects SAP CRM;
- 5 projects SAP Upgrade.

Company "Soft-Rating Consult" supported in their work rules set forth in the Code of Ethics for Social Responsibility Coalition electronics industry.
The EICC Code of Conduct was established to ensure worker safety and fairness, environmental responsibility, and business efficiency for loading.
Experienced staff, infrastructure and tradition of Soft-Rating Consult are the success of the project.

"Soft-Rating Consult" is the leader of goods and services in Ukraine in 2007 in respective field


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