Thursday, 01 July 2010 18:14

The First All-Ukrainian Congress “Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics" was held in Kiev

On June 23rd-26th in Kiev the First All-Ukrainian Congress “Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics" was held. Soft-Rating Consult Ltd took part in it as a participant and speaker.
Report by Commercial Director Olga Belyachenko concerned the use of SAP software solution and international experience in health care facilities of Ukraine.

During the report at the plenary session and the next day in the section "Medical Information Systems. Medical e-passport. Implementation of medical informatics and medical cybernetics methods in health care" participants were given brief information about the challenges in the health care sector of Ukraine and instrumental methods of their solution, which are providef by solution SAP for Healthcare for medical staff and leadership of medicalprophylactic institutions.

On the one hand, special attention of the audience was paid on question about effectiveness of planning, distribution and control of scarce resources that society provides to health care system at local level.

Worth noting that the solution SAP for Healthcare is successful in countries that use different models of health care providing and financing (insurance, mutual fund, direct funding from the state budget, pension funds, etc.).

On the other hand, all efforts medicalprophylactic institutions eventually come to the main task - to help patients get well or to preserve quality of life and lengthen its duration. Solution SAP for Healthcare provides an opportunity to realize such model of health care, taking into account the maximum possible number of factors that affect the quality of services.

Soft-Rating Consult congratulates organizers of the First All-Ukrainian Congress “Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics" and wishes all participants productive scientific and practical cooperation in health care system and use of medical and biological informatics and cybernetics to successful execution of tasks.

Information about the decision of the Congress is available at