In order to become part of modern transport corridors connecting Europe and Asia, which are called Modern Silk Road, they needed a radical and decisive steps on re-engineering of the organizational structure and business processes, radical renewal, change and implementtion of modern information technologies, providing comprehensive, accurate information support of business processes of JSC Georgian Railway in real time, as well as analytics in all spheres of its activity.
In 2014, according to the results of scientific and technical audit, the strategy of development of information technologies was developed and approved, focused on business development strategy. During the implementation of the IT strategy JSC Georgian Railway has acquired licenses to use software of SAP AG (SAP Business Suite, SAP Business Objects BI Suite, SAP Planning and Consolidation Management (BPC), SAP Profit and Cost Management (PCM), SAP S/4HANA и SAP HANA).
In 2015, Soft-Rating Consult Georgia LLC - a subsidiary of Soft-Rating Consult LLC (Ukraine), which is SAP partner in Ukraine and Georgia with 20 years of experience, on a competitive basis has received the right to implement a complex information system. Besides that, other SAP partners are involved, in particular the leader of industry specifics in the area of rail transport – Orianda Solutions AG (Switzerland). Altogether more than 30 consultants are involved.
Project team of JSC Georgian Railway includes more than 100 business process owners, analysts and IT professionals.
Management of JSC Georgian Railway together with the general contractor – Soft-Rating Consult Georgia LLC – on October 23, 2015 held a kick-off meeting with the participants of the project and announced business results expected from its implementation.
The project objectives include automation of the following business processes and functional areas:
- Planning and control of budget execution
- Accounting and tax accounting
- Controlling and profitability management
- Formation of the consolidated financial statements
- Treasury
- Materials Management, Purchasing
- Sales
- Maintenance and repair of equipment
- Human Resource Management and Payroll
- Business Intelligence
The project envisages the use of database – SAP HANA that enables business applications, which are included in SAP Business Suite and SAP Business Objects BI Suite on a fundamentally new platform, as well as business application for financial management Simple Finance for HANA (part of the package of business applications SAP S/4HANA), which has already been implemented by SAP in 2015.
Operation and Maintenance in difficult conditions of many facilities, human resource management and financial management will become proactive and acquire modern character, which allows to meet consumers’ requirements of the level of logistics service of providers of corridor Asia-Europe.
Soft-Rating Consult LLC is sure that the project team of specialists in Ukraine, Switzerland and Georgia will perform all project tasks efficiently, in time and within budget.